Preserving Memories / Life Story Work
For many children in foster care their memories are very important and may be all they have to remind them of the past. It is important that information about a child is kept safe and treated with great respect, to prevent it from being lost.
Some children return to their birth families and others move on to permanent alternative families. You need to help a child to remember the time spent with you and your family.
From the point a child comes to you it is important that you set up a ‘memory box’ and start to collect items such as photographs (it is a good idea to put dates on photographs), drawings, school reports, significant outings/souvenirs etc.
Life story or ‘All about me’ books can help children understand their past and to move forward. Foster carers will need to collect important information which will be passed on to the Child’s Social Worker who will be responsible for preparing the child. In some instances, you could be involved in direct work with the child, and you will be offered guidance on an individual basis.
Life story work needs to go at the child’s pace as it can be distressing for some children.
Preserving memories training is available and attendance is recommended for both mainstream and Family and Friends Foster Carers.